Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Baby Scifres update. :)

Baby Scifres is doing very well. She is finally moving (well she was always moving mom just couldn't feel it). She loves to move around the most in the morning and at night. She is pretty calm during the day, which is probably because I am on my feet most of the day chasing around 4th graders.  Feeling her kicks and rolls might be one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. Luckily, in the past few weeks she has become stronger which has allowed Steve to feel her kicks and even see some of them. This weekend marked the beginning of my 25th week. She weighs 1.5 pounds and is 13.5 inches long. She is growing like crazy and so is my belly. :)

4D ultrasound of baby Scifres at 20 weeks. 

Bruce loves to lay on my belly. He is already being a protective big brother. 

He was not happy with Steve for disturbing his slumber with a picture. 

21 weeks. 

24 weeks

24 weeks. Bare belly shot. You may notice the belly ring is gone. It was hard to part with it (I've had it since I was 15), but it needed to go. My 3 year old neighbor looked at my belly and said that my ring looked almost done, which in 3 year old language I think meant there was no more room for it.

25 weeks. I am just amazed at how much my belly has grown in one week that I had to get a picture of it. Since Steve is in Arizona for the weekend I had to manage these shots on my own. 

25 weeks and finally feeling more pregnant than just fat. Yesterday, the cashier at Trader Joes asked me if I was having a boy or girl. I was so happy a stranger could tell I was pregnant and didn't just think I had a few extra pounds on me! That cashier has no idea, but he made my day! :) 

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