Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coming home from the hospital!!

After 20 long days in the NICU Ava got to come home on February 7th. Heading into the hospital that day we knew that if she lost weight over night or struggled to eat at all they would delay her homecoming another 24 hours. We tried to contain our excitement and prepare ourselves for the worst, but as soon as we entered the NICU we saw the nurses getting her all packed up and we could no longer contain our excitement! :)

Getting Ava dressed in her going home outfit. They let me unhook her from all monitors! It felt good to pick her up without any cords!!! :)
Ava with one of her favorite nurses. She was so good to Ava and taught me so much about caring for Ava!

Getting ready to leave. Hospital requires all moms to be wheeled out with infants, even though I was already wheeled out when I was discharged from the hospital. This time felt so much better since I had Ava in my arms. Last time I was wheeled out I was empty handed and it did not feel very good.
Car ride home. Ava was not so sure about the car seat. I sat in the back with her and dad SLOWLY drove us home. :) I have never seen Steve drive so slow in my life!

Proud daddy! 

1 comment:

  1. I love her big girl clothes!! I hope things are going well at home :-)
