Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tracking Ava's first spring.........

First and foremost let me explain that title. Steve came up with it because just tonight as I was updating the blog Ava started tracking like crazy. As Steve fed her the bottle he would sway from side to side and she would follow him like a hawk. Since this is a new behavior we were very excited for her to hit this developmental milestone.

Time really is flying by these days! Next week Ava will be 3 months old. I am amazed at how much she has changed in the last few months. She now weighs 9 pounds 3 ounces and is eating ALL the time! The doctor was shocked at how much she had gained in 2 weeks and asked if we were feeding her pizza.

In her third month of life Ava had many more firsts. Her first Easter, first trip to Palm Springs, Santa Monica Pier, and her first night in the crib! Although, she is not fully in the crib yet we think she will be in it soon. Mom is not quite ready to have her baby girl sleeping away from her just yet. Here are some pictures documenting Ava's third month of life.

 First trip to the Santa Monica Pier. It was a beautiful day, which means it was very crowded by the beach. Ava slept in the stroller the whole time while her parents enjoyed the sunny weather!
Ava is actually starting to enjoy her baths these days!

All ready to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Scifres' house for Easter lunch.

Ava's first Easter basket!

First trip to see the Easter bunny. We went with my good friends Sara and Jenn and their adorable babies who are close in age to Ava. A little awkward that I had to pose as well, but I was not about to allow that germy bunny to hold my baby!

Ava is finally big enough for the baby bjorn. Steve was very excited to try it out. A beer and a baby in the bjorn....what more could you ask for on a Friday night?? :)

Snuggle time with my parents at the pool in Palm Springs! Ava spent the majority of the time sleeping in the shade, but hopefully next trip she will be big enough to go in the water!

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