Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

4 months old!!

I am a little behind in posting, but Ava turned 4 months old a few weeks ago! At her 4 month check up the doctor said she was doing fabulous! She weighed 11 pounds 12 ounces and was 23 inches long. She has gained 2 pounds in the last month, which means she is definitely starting to catch up in size and weight. She was given a few more shots, which she did pretty well with. Once we got home she continued to act normal, so we thought we were in the clear. She has had shots now for the past 2 months and has been fine both times, so we figured she wasn't fazed by any of it. Well, later on that night we learned that she in fact does HATE shots. I had to leave to go back to work in the evening for open house, so Steve was left to care for Ava. Poor Steve had to deal with 2 hours of screaming, but he handled it like a pro! Apparently, she had a bad reaction to the shots and was in a lot of pain. Once we got her some baby Tylenol and rocked her (very carefully) she was fine. At least we will be prepared for the next round of shots next month. Since Ava is on a split shot schedule she gets shots every month! Here are some pictures from her 4 month check up and photo shoot.

With the help of the pillow, lifting her head up like a big girl!

This girl loves to kick. Future soccer player!!

Not so happy about the shots!
Daddy comforting his little girl.

Pep talk about the shots. Ava doesn't take her eyes off of her daddy when he talks to her.
Smiles for the doctor. First time this has ever happened!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Noah hates shots too and I am not looking forward to his four month checkup. Ava looks so good! She has grown since I saw her last and she is such a pretty little thing. Hope to see the two of you again at St. Johns when school is out. <3
