Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tiny Ava (WARNING: this one is a tearjerker)

I have been organizing all of our videos and pictures onto our new computer and in the process I have come across some videos from the day Ava was born and of course I had to watch them!! As you know that day was a day of mixed emotions for us. Happy to meet our little girl, but also sad and scared of her early arrival. This video is of me in the NICU seeing and holding her for the first time after she was born. I did get to hold her for a couple minutes immediately after Birth, but she was all wrapped up like a burrito and rushed out of the room within minutes, so this is the first time I am really seeing her. It was an extremely emotional time, so please be warned this video is a tearjerker (at least it is for me).

We have many more videos of her from that day that I can barely watch myself and one day will probably feel the need to share, but for now here is a little piece of that special and emotional day. Please ignore the fact that I look terrible! Keep in mind I had been in the hospital for a week and had just given birth that morning, so keep your eyes focused on Ava and NOT me!! :) It is hard to believe my big chunky monkey girl was once that tiny!

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