Life in the NICU was an experience I will never forget, but also one I would prefer not to have again. We are lucky for how quickly Ava made progress and I am so grateful that we had more good days than bad. Ava was a rock star from day one! She made progress every day and proved to her parents she is one strong little girl. Here are some pictures capturing her first 20 days of life in the NICU.
Day 1: First time holding Ava after she was born. It was hard seeing her all hooked up to machines and IV's, but it felt good to be holding her again!
Steve holding Ava for the first time. He wasn't able to hold her after she was born and he waited very patiently until the end of the day to have his turn. He didn't take his eyes off of her the whole time. :)
Staying warm in the incubator
Day 2: Hanging out with mom and dad.
Day 3: Finally we see those beautiful eyes!
Day 4: Mom learning how to burp me after my first try at a bottle.
California girl tanning already! :) Under the special light to help her jaundice
Snuggle time with daddy!
Last day with the IV.
Sleeping the day away. Ava loved her corner of the NICU. She graduated to an open crib after about a week, but they still made sure to keep her nice and warm!
Another NICU mom told me to take a picture of Ava next to the Sohpie doll to show her size......And this was taken after 2 weeks in the NICU.
After 2 weeks in the NICU Steve and I decided to take the day off and enjoy the beautiful weather and a couples massage at Terranea Resort. The weekend I went into labor we were suppose to have our mini "baby moon"at Terranea and since that didn't happen we decided to reschedule it while Ava was still growing in the NICU.
Mom, where did my feeding tube go? Thanks to wonderful nurse Kathleen Ava got her feeding tube out. It was a Sunday and the doctor was not there, but Kathleen reviewed Ava's chart and made the decision that she was ready to get that tube out! If it weren't for that nurse our stay would have probably been a few days longer. This experience has taught me how important nurses are to your stay and recovery in the hospital. |
Day 2 without a feeding tube. This was the day we got the amazing news that Ava would be coming home the next day. I just love her face in this picture....I'm sure when she gets a little older that "pout" face will no longer be as cute, but for now I love it! :)