Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Life with a 14 month old.

At 14 months Ava is sooooo much fun!! She is talking up a storm and starting to say so many new words. We love that she can finally communicate with us and we don't always have to "guess" what she needs or wants. She is still not walking and not really acting like she wants to anytime soon, but I am not worried at all. I know that gross motor and language development usually don't advance together at this age, so for now she is growing her vocabulary and next we will walk! 

I just can't get enough of her these days. She is so sweet and loving. Leaving for work every morning has been so hard these past few weeks and I know as she gets older it will only get harder. I always thought that it would be the baby stage that would be hard to leave, but it is actually harder now since she is so personable and will crawl over to me as I am walking out the door while calling out, "ma ma." It melts and breaks my heart at the same time. Luckily my two week spring break starts tomorrow and I will have some much needed time with her. We are off to Chicago on Saturday to spend the first week of break with my parents and will be back in time for a California Easter with Grandma and Grampy Scifres.

Here are some things Ava is doing at 14 months.....

- Cruising around anything she can find! Loves her walker (although we are limiting her use with it right now)

- New words: baby (she is obsessed with her baby doll and takes it every where), papa (every time we facetime with my parents she always asks for papa), bye, night night, bath, baba (bottle), tika tika (tickle, tickle), and we think she is calling Anna (Ava's nanny) Nana. 

- She still loves music and most of all loves to hear people sing to her. Anna taught her Wheels on the bus and Grandma taught her Pat-a-cake. She loves both of these songs and knows the motions that go with! 

- Eating SO MUCH all the time and I could not be happier about that. I know that we are entering the "picky eater" phase and everyday that she eats with no trouble I am thankful and hopeful that it will stay that way. She eats normal food now and does not eat any purees, unless it is a pouch and in that case she will scarf that down! 

- I have no statistics on weight and height since we don't go back to the doctor for another month, but I can tell you she has completely grown out of her 6-12 month clothes and is quickly growing through her 12-18 month clothes. I think it is safe to say that she is growing like a weed these days. 

Here are some pictures of our spunky, talkative, and very loving little girl. Hopefully my next update will include some walking news! 

Ava and I watched the elite runners in the LA marathon with Sara and Claire. They run right by our house and in the past I have never been awake in time to see the elite runners, but this year was a different story. 

Playing the the kitchen while Mom makes dinner. 

So big!

Playing peek-a-boo

We have hair!!!! Well some at least and even more exciting than that she has one adorable curl in the back. I thought maybe she got Steve's curly hair, but my mom said I had the same curl as a baby which eventually grew into stick straight hair. 

The printer is right at her level now and she just loves to push the buttons and play with the lid. 

Out cold after our evening jog through the park. 

Ava and her baby. :) She usually will rock the baby and then hand it to me to rock, but she was a little more into my ipod so we kept losing focus. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All done, water, and wheels on the bus

I am one proud mamma right now! Ava is finally starting to sign and say words (well they stand for words at least) and I love how easily I can communicate with her now. At dinner tonight she started signing "all done" and so I grabbed the video camera and started taping!

The second video is one I got today while at work. Anna and Ava were singing "Wheels on the Bus" while Ava did the motions. It is so cute!!

I just had to post these....even though the walking thing is taking a little while to come around she sure is growing rapidly in other areas!! :)

Out for a walk.....

This video just cracks me up because she loves to go on walks with her walker. I have realized that she will never walk as long as she has that thing, so for now it has been put in the closet in an attempt to motivate her to walk.