Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, July 19, 2013

Crazy busy summer and 18 month stats......

Ava is 18 months old this week and to celebrate we've been very busy with trips, visitors, and lots of toddler classes. Last week I had some college friends in town for a few days and then over the weekend we made a quick trip up to San Francisco to celebrate the engagement of Sandra and Jake. We are so excited for their July 26th, 2014 wedding in wine country! Steve, Ava, and I were all asked to be a part of the wedding and we could not be more thrilled for it! Ava had fun walking the streets of San Fran with her grandma and grandpa, Auntie, and soon to be Uncle.  She now calls Grandma (Ma-ga), Grandpa (Pa-ga or Ma-ga), and Aunt Sandra (Te-Te). I think Ma-ga and Pa-ga will eventually become Grandma and Grandpa, but for now I absolutely love the names she invented!
Only picture we took in San Fran. We were having so much fun we forgot to capture it on camera. 

We are gearing up for a trip to Chicago to visit Mimi, Papa, and a lot more family and friends. I will be sure to post lots of pictures (If I can remember to take them) after our trip. Sadly, Steve won't be able to join us since he is busy running summer camp right now. We are going to miss him so much, but once we get back he will only have a few more weeks of camp and then we will have some much needed time as a family before school starts.

Back to Miss Ava........Yesterday we went to the doctor for her 18 month check-up and discovered she is starting to dislike the doctor's office greatly! She started screaming from the second the nurse walked in the room and didn't stop until we left the office. It was rather embarrassing, but they reassured me that it is normal behavior for a toddler. It was hard to get all of her measurements and weight, but with the help of a few more nurses and a few tries on the scale we were able to get her 18 month stats. The doc says she is very healthy and right where she should be for 18 months. She was very impressed with her language, although Ava didn't show off many words other then, NOOOO, and a lot of crying.

Here are her 18 month stats.....

- Weight 22 pounds and a few ounces. 50th percentile
-  Height 32 1/2 inches. 50th percentile.
-  Head circumference - 90th percentile.
- She is in 18 - 24 month clothing and just switched to size 4 diapers. Big girl!
- Words (pretty much anything you say she will say). She has about 40-50 words she knows without prompting. Sometimes when you catch her on a good day she will put a few words together like, baby cry, or bye bye mommy.
- She is starting to enjoy swim lessons a lot and is consistently going under for a few seconds at a time.   She usually decides she is done after the dunking part of class and will tell me over and over again, "All done."
- Favorite things to do: Play with her toys, go to the park, read books, play with her toy animals, and her card game. Ava's Aunt Jamie gave her a card came that has a simple direction on each card. She loves to pull a card and bring it over to Steve or I and ask us to tell her what it says (In alien language, she is def not speaking in sentences yet!) and then if she understands what it says she will do the command.
- She kisses every single animal she sees, whether it be in a book, stuffed animal, or the dog walking by us outside. It is so cute!

Ok, enough on the stats. Here are some pictures of our adorable, spunky 18 month old!

Trying out a bike just her size while we wait for our stroller tire to be fixed.  Her first bike is waiting for her at Mimi and Papa's house and she is so excited for it! She asks to see if almost every time we are on facetime. 

Playing with her new friends after story time at the Beverly Hills Library. I still can't get over the fact that I take my child to the Beverly Hills library.......seems to fancy for us! 

Playing at daddy's camp

My big girl has transitioned to her booster seat. 

A bit blurry, but a pic of her checking out her first library book. She was so excited and has made me read her new books every day since we checked them out. Now hopefully I can remember to return them on time because I hear the fines for overdue books are a bit pricey. 

She had to start reading her new books in the car.....was sooo excited! 

Finally enough hair for a pony tail!

I decided she needs a bit more before I will take her out in public with this pony tail. I was just happy she actually let me do it considering I get in trouble if I even attempt to put a bow in her hair. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

18 months old and already reading to herself??????

She isn't really reading to herself, but loves to pretend! We are off to the doctor this afternoon so I will post more about her 18 month old updates tonight. In the meantime, here she is reading "Goodnight Moon" to herself. I really don't know how I will go back to work in a month. She is just way too much fun right now and I can't imagine not being with her all day long!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Videos of my 17 month old......(Almost 18 months)

She was so proud of herself that she figured out how to climb on the couch. Don't mind my "just woke up" scratchy voice. 

She was so happy to be home with her toys. I just had to capture her adorableness on camera. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Family vacation, fourth of July, and summer fun.....

We took our first family vacation (just the three of us) this past week. Steve had the week off from camp so we took full advantage. We wanted to head out to Arizona to see our good friends the McNamees and meet their adorable baby girl Hannah. We stopped in Palm Springs on our way to break up the drive.  Since it is not the best time to be in Palm Springs (it was 106 degrees while we were there) you can find very nice hotels for a very good price. We didn't mind the heat too much and just stayed near the pool to stay cool. Our hotel had some wonderful kid pools and even included a water slide that Ava thoroughly enjoyed! After a few days in Palm Springs we made our way out to Scottsdale, Arizona where the weather was a lovely 111 degrees the day we arrived. However, the heat did not matter at all since we had an amazing time visiting with the McNamees!! Baby Hannah is the most smiley 5 month old I have ever met. Ava enjoyed playing with her and always seemed very worried when she cried (which was hardly ever). But she did not like when Steve or I held Hannah.

Last night they had a special fireworks show down by the beach, so we kept Ava up a little past her bedtime so she could see her first fireworks show. She was amazed by it and kept saying, "boom" and "wow." 

Here are some pictures from our adventures this past week and a few random summer pics too. 

My little shopper.

Asher and Ava had a blast at Lakeshore while Jenn and I picked up some toddler toys.

We got a magnetic board for Ava to entertain herself in the kitchen. She is usually getting into the garbage or Bruce's food, so thought this would distract her from that stuff. So far it has been a success! 

One hour into the drive and she is out cold. Too bad this only lasted about 30 minutes. 

I did not want her going down the water slide, but after the lifeguard assured us it was safe if Steve went with her they decided to go. I came around to take a picture and I think she thought I was going to stop them so she gave me a "Mom, leave me alone" look and kept on walking. 

And she is on her way. Such a big girl! 

She had so much fun....they must've gone down at least 10 times. As soon as they got out of the water she would say, "slide again" with extreme urgency. 

So fun!

My loves <3
Happy fourth of July!! Starting off the day with some swimming with baby Hannah

Fourth of July dinner (inside since it was 100 degrees out)

Looking very festive. 

I have major respect for moms of two under two. I was worn out just from holding the two of them for a few minutes. 

Miss Hannah McNamee....Such an adorable and smiley baby. 

Ava is curious but not sure how to play with her. 

So she decided to give her lots of kisses....

And continue to point out her nose, head, eyes, ears, and mouth. 

We are going to miss this adorable little one. Wish the McNamees lived closer. 

Impromptu late night trip to get our favorite ice cream before seeing the fireworks down by the beach. 

Nom nom nom

Amazed by the fireworks. 

She was so happy to be home with her toys. Couldn't get her away from her sand/water table. 

She excited to see her bubbles again.