Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome to the world Ava Catherine!! :)

                   As many of you already know Ava decided she couldn't wait until March and wanted to enter this world sooner. On the night of January 13th I woke in the middle of the night and my water had broken. Steve and I were advised to head over the hospital and prepare to have our baby girl. We frantically (I was frantic, Steve was very calm) packed a hospital bag at 4:30 in the morning and headed to the hospital. There were a million emotions running through my body...scared, nervous, shocked, excited, but mainly just shocked! To make a long story short they were able to hold off labor for 4 days to give Ava a little more time to grow and prepare her lungs for the outside world. On January 18th Ava Catherine was born at 8:02 am! I was scared that the moment she was born would not be what I had always imagined. They warned me that if she showed signs of distress she would be taken to the NICU right away, but luckily she came looking great for such a tiny baby.  Steve and I were able to hold her and spend a few minutes celebrating this magical moment. I was happy that we were given that time with her before they took her away. Birth truly is a magical experience and I feel so blessed that we were given the chance to experience it.

 One of the most amazing moments of my life! Holding my little girl for the first time.

 We were so happy to hear those cries and know those lungs were working well!!

First couple hours in the NICU. Daddy was with her as they admitted her to the NICU and hooked her up to an IV, monitors, and oxygen.   She needed some help breathing for a few hours, but after that was just fine breathing on her own.

1 comment:

  1. That second picture is just amazing! You will have to make a book of these pictures of teeny tiny Ava so that when she is a teenager running around on the soccer field you can look back and wonder when this tiny peanut turned into such a young lady! :)
