Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ava's biggest accomplishment all summer..................

Pooping in the potty!!!! Ok, I know that is too much information, but we were so shocked and proud I just had to share. It has only happened once and I do not foresee it happening again anytime soon. She is way too young for potty training, but we've got the equipment out just in case. She showed interest in it the other day and went into the bathroom and said, "potty" so I decided why not and let her hang out on there with some reading material and a snack. Much to my surprise she started saying "poop" and then all of a sudden it happened. I think it was pure coincidence that she just happened to be playing on there and had to go, but either way I will take it as a step in the right direction. However, we will hold the serious potty training until after her second birthday.

Here we are just testing the potty seat out. She decided that it wasn't so scary after all, especially when you get to have snacks and toys with you. 

This picture may or may not be appropriate to post, but I just couldn't resist! 


  1. Not tmi, congratulations!!! ... did you take a photo of the poop? That would be hilarious and tmi :-) jk

  2. I wanted to take a picture of it, but Steve said no! haha
