Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer in Chicago......long overdue

As we get ready for another vacation I realized I never updated the blog with pictures from our Chicago trip. With school just around the corner, sickness invading our house, and keeping up our energetic toddler things have been quite busy lately!

Here are some pictures from our trip!!
Ava loved the bike Mimi and Papa got her! 

Enjoying the playground in the middle of the swimming pool

Having so much fun she in a pool just the right size!

Hanging with Papa on the deck

Ava loved the park behind my parents' house. They had Geese, dogs, and  a lot of space for her to run around. 

First time at Dairy Queen

She couldn't get enough. Ate all of her cone and then moved onto mine!

Visiting G-Pa and GG in Wisconsin. 

Cousins making a mess at Aunt Nancy's house. Thanks Aunt Nancy for letting us invade, we had a blast!! 


Making music with Mimi at the Children's Museum

Air tunnels are so much fun!

Captain Ava 

Showing Papa her favorite ipad games

For some reason she loved the corner of the stairs in my parents' house. She would run down the hall and sit down for a while and just watch everyone around her. 

Ava discovered there is nothing better than midwest corn. Learning how to eat it the right way from Papa

Visiting baby Lily in the city. 

College friends reunited, with a few extra guests this time!

Looking at beautiful Chicago while visiting Brooke and Lily in the city. Brooke has the most amazing view from her condo downtown. I was nervous to get close to the edge as it is 22 floors up!!

Steph on the other hand had no problem going near the edge.  She is a little more used to the city life than I am anymore. 

Loves hanging with Auntie Kearston. 

As much as I love Cali, I do miss this city. Have some wonderful memories here and it will always hold a special place in my heart. <3

Blackberry Market with Mimi and Auntie Beth. Ava wouldn't touch her grilled cheese sandwich, but she had no problem taking down this vanilla cupcake. How can I get mad, she gets it from her mamma!

Visiting the brand new and oh so adorable baby Lila! Check out Ava's glare....not sure if she is ready for a sibling anytime soon. 

Just being cool wearing her glasses

Another great part of the trip is that I got to spend some quality time with my sis (baby free!). We enjoyed her beautiful new place in the city and a night out celebrating Kearston's 30th birthday. 

Pizza was a must on our last night in Chicago. Ava loved it! I have never seen her devour pizza like she did here. Must be because we do have the best pizza on earth. 

One last stroll through the park before we head back to California and of course Mimi's monkeys had to come with us. 

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