Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Harper Evans Scifres…August 30th, 2014

Everything about her birth was wonderful (well except for the painful contractions) but it was all worth it to be able to experience such a magical moment. It was just so different from my first experience with Ava. Things were hectic with Ava, people were stressed, we were scared, and the worst part….they took her from me within minutes of her birth. This time it was the opposite. People were relaxed, we were happy, and they let me cuddle her for hours after birth. They didn't even weigh her until she was a few hours old. I do appreciate both of my experiences for their own uniqueness. We got to experience all of this magical moments with Ava too, just not in the same way it happened with Harper. Enough about Ava, back to Harper!

Harper's birth stats:

Time: Harper was born at 10:51 am after 8 hours of labor. I started pushing at 10 am and she was here in a little under an hour.

Weight: 6 pounds 14 oz.
Height: 19 1/2 inches long

She came out screaming, alert, with a major cone head from birth (it is taking several weeks to go back down).
She also came out with a full and I do mean FULL head of dark hair. We all (doctor included) wondered where that hair came from???

She's here!! Like I said, major cone head! 

Just a few minutes old

Not happy she was taken away from mommy. 

Look at that hair!

Snuggles with daddy

Harper meets her Mimi. If it weren't for Mimi I don't think I would've made it to full term. We are so thankful for her and all she did for us! 

Ava meets her little sister. She was a little hesitant at first, but quickly warmed up. 

Harper meets her grandparents!! 

Grandma and Harper!!

Very curious about Harper….wanted to see her feet, hands….making sure she is human I guess. 

The next morning…….We were tired, more tired than I ever knew I could be, but so so happy this little one was here and healthy! 

Morning snuggles with daddy

Auntie JJ (Jamie) came to visit us and meet Harper!!

We are busting you out of here! She is 26 hours old and they are letting us leave???? 

Heading home!!

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