Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2015

More pictures from February…..

Here are some pictures of the rest of us from this past month…..

Ava's preschool is near the beach so our new routine is to go on a run after we pick her up.  She is very tired after preschool and this almost always ensures a nap. Harper will either nap as well or scream most of the run. 

Another favorite of ours....picnics in the park. 

She was so excited to bring her Valentines to school. We decorated cards and gave stickers to her friends at preschool. 

Happy Valentine's Day

Hanging at the pool on this sunny Valentine's Day. 

Someone was a bit tired after swimming

Water baby 

Our attempt at a heart shaped pizza...

Story time with daddy

Mimi came to visit us for a few weeks in February. We love it when Mimi is here! 

Watching the sunset at the beach 

Snuggles with Mimi

More snuggles

Baby wearing is the way to go. I love it when she baby wears so I can shop! 

Happy baby 

Bath time with your buddy Asher

Steve is a pro with two babies! Ben and Harper enjoying story time. 

Neighborhood BBQ. Harper wouldn't stop staring up at me and a neighbor snapped this picture to capture the moment. 

Snuggles before bedtime. 

Silly girl. <3

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