Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

9 months out….

I can't believe we are 9 months out….seems like yesterday we were 9 months in and Harper was getting ready to make her debut. 

This little one absolutely melts my heart every time I look at her, even when it is 3 am and she won't go back to bed (ok, maybe not so much at 3 am, but you get the point).  She is such a little love suck. Every morning when I pick her up from her crib the first thing she does is snuggle her head into my shoulder and gives me the sweetest smile. When she is happy it shows and is infectious, but when she is mad that shows just as strongly, which can be a bit challenging. She LOVES her big sister Ava and watching the two of them together will never get old. Ava continues to be so good with Harper, she always tries to calm her down when she is upset and loves to make her laugh. 

9 month stats….
Weight: 18.7 pounds

Height: 27 1/4 inches

Crawling all over the place and goes for anything she isn't suppose to have. 

She puts everything in her mouth right now and I do mean everything. Some of the things I have fish out of her mouth this month have been, sticks, an acorn, hair ties, grass, sand, a leaf, and a small piece of metal (not sure where she got that from). As Steve put it, you cannot take your eyes off of her for a second or she will be into something/eating something she is not suppose to be. 

Babbling (mamma, rara, yaya, lala, vava, brrr (we think she makes that sound when she sees Bruce)

Eats everything in sight. She continues to be a fabulous eater and has gotten so much better with it. She rarely gags on food, can pick up almost anything that is put in front of her, and can feed herself with a loaded spoon.
Nurses 4-6 times a day. Still one of her favorite things to do. I have to be really careful not to nurse her too much because if I let her she would nurse every hour. Probably why she still wakes up to nurse 1-2 times a night. 

Sleep was glorious for a hot minute. She was sleeping 10-11 hours straight and it was amazing, but it lasted for a second and now we are back to 1-2 wake ups a night. So now we are back to gentle sleep training in hopes of getting her back to sleeping through the night. 

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