Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ava's first Christmas!!

We had the most wonderful Christmas this year. My parents and my sister flew in to spend Christmas with us. We even had some "cooler" weather, so it did feel somewhat like a midwest Christmas. I feel so blessed that Ava was able to spend her first Christmas with both of her grandparents and her Aunts. On Christmas Eve we all went to church and surprisingly Ava lasted through most of it. We hosted Christmas Eve at our house and enjoyed a very tasty dinner and a relaxing evening with wonderful company. On Christmas day after opening a few presents under our tree we headed to Grandma and Grampy Scifres' house for more presents, yummy food, and relaxation.

Ava loved opening presents. Everyone said she would love the boxes and paper more than the presents and although she did enjoy eating some paper, she also loved playing with each gift that she opened. Our house currently looks like an aisle at Toys R Us, but Ava is one happy girl so I can deal with the clutter (for now)!

Here are some pictures from Christmas.

Crawling around with daddy before Church

Christmas Eve 

Ava;'s big gift from Santa. Her own Chair! She loves it!!
Opening gifts with Grandma!

Time for her stocking!

 Steve and his sister.

 The grandpas cooking away!

 Ok, sometimes the  box is more fun than the toy!

 Thanks for the table Great Uncle Mike. I love it!!

 Enjoying the blocks that Grammy got Ava for Christmas

Ava LOVES the motorcycle Aunt Beth got her. What Steve and I don't love are the sounds it makes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
